Evidence of ACL healing on MRI following ACL rupture treated with rehabilitation alone may be associated with better patient-reported outcomes: a secondary analysis from the KANON trialStephanie Rose Filbay, Frank W Roemer, L Stefan Lohmander, Aleksandra Turkiewicz, Ewa M Roos, Richard Frobell, Martin Englund
3 November 2022
Long-term quality of life, work limitation, physical activity, economic cost and disease burden following ACL and meniscal injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis for the OPTIKNEE consensusStephanie Rose Filbay, Søren T Skou, Garrett S Bullock, Christina Y Le, Anu M Räisänen, Clodagh Toomey, Allison M Ezzat, Alix Hayden, Adam G Culvenor, Jackie L Whittaker, Ewa M Roos, Kay M Crossley, Carsten Bogh Juhl, Carolyn Emery
28 September 2022
Meniscal procedures are not increased with delayed ACL reconstruction and rehabilitation: results from a randomised controlled trialSabine J A van der Graaff, Max Reijman, Eline M van Es, Sita M A Bierma-Zeinstra, Jan A N Verhaar, Duncan E Meuffels
22 September 2022
Personal and narrative review of the current management of the injured anterior cruciate ligament of the knee in the UK with reference to surgical treatment versus rehabilitationMichael Antony Sydee Mowbray, John Ireland
20 September 2022
Primary surgery versus primary rehabilitation for treating anterior cruciate ligament injuries: a living systematic review and meta-analysisTobias Saueressig, Tobias Braun, Nora Steglich, Frank Diemer, Jochen Zebisch, Maximilian Herbst, Wolfgang Zinser, Patrick J Owen, Daniel L Belavy
29 August 2022
Back to basketball: how I avoided ACL surgeryJinrong Lin
19 August 2022
Single versus double hamstring tendon graft in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the paediatric patient: a single-blind randomised controlled trial study protocolDavid Bade, Garrett Malayko, Liam Johnson, Kylie Bradford, Tristan Reddan, Chris Stockton, Kieran Frawley, Teresa Phillips, David Saxby, Robert S Ware, Joshua Byrnes, Christopher P Carty
19 August 2022
Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament and meniscal injuries: a best-evidence synthesis of systematic reviews for the OPTIKNEE consensusAdam G Culvenor, Michael A Girdwood, Carsten B Juhl, Brooke E Patterson, Melissa J Haberfield, Pætur M Holm, Alessio Bricca, Jackie L Whittaker, Ewa M Roos, Kay M Crossley
29 June 2022
What tests should be used to assess functional performance in youth and young adults following anterior cruciate ligament or meniscal injury? A systematic review of measurement properties for the OPTIKNEE consensusBjørnar Berg, Anouk P Urhausen, Britt Elin Øiestad, Jackie L Whittaker, Adam G Culvenor, Ewa M Roos, Kay M Crossley, Carsten B Juhl, May Arna Risberg
13 June 2022
Single leg vertical jump performance identifies knee function deficits at return to sport after ACL reconstruction in male athletesArgyro Kotsifaki, Sam Van Rossom, Rod Whiteley, Vasileios Korakakis, Roald Bahr, Vasileios Sideris, Ilse Jonkers
13 April 2022