Catastrophic injuries among young athletesE D Zemper
4 November 2009
On the value of team medical staff: can the “Moneyball” approach be applied to injuries in professional football?J W Orchard
26 July 2009
Throwing workload and injury risk in elite cricketersRichard Saw, Rebecca J Dennis, David Bentley, Patrick Farhart
20 July 2009
Does the presence of proximal humerus growth plate changes in young baseball pitchers happen only in symptomatic athletes? An x ray evaluation of 21 young baseball pitchersJ Murachovsky, R Y Ikemoto, L G P Nascimento, R Serpone Bueno, E Strose, L H Almeida
4 March 2008
Performance demands of professional male tennis playersC D Johnson, M P McHugh
21 July 2006
Postero-medial elbow problems in the adult athleteD Eygendaal, M R Safran
21 April 2006
Evolution of the treatment options of ulnar collateral ligament injuries of the elbowP Langer, P Fadale, M Hulstyn
17 February 2006
A controlled study on batted ball speed and available pitcher reaction time in slowpitch softballM McDowell, M V Ciocco
25 March 2005
Smokeless tobacco use among professional baseball players: survey results, 1998 to 2003H H Severson, K Klein, E Lichtensein, N Kaufman, C T Orleans
25 February 2005
Little league shoulder syndrome in an adolescent cricket playerW R Drescher, A Falliner, T Zantop, K Oehlert, W Petersen, J Hassenpflug
23 July 2004