Risk factors of lower extremity injuries in youth athletesTomoaki Kamiya, Atsushi Teramoto, Hidenori Otsubo, Takashi Matsumura, Yasutoshi Ikeda, Kota Watanabe, Toshihiko Yamashita
1 February 2023
Context of injury prevention strategies in Swiss basketball: survey of athletes, medical staff and coachesLoïc Bel, Michaël Duc, Mario Bizzini, Pierre-Etienne Fournier, Lara Allet
6 December 2022
Epidemiology of MRI-detected muscle injury in athletes participating in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic GamesHiroki Katagiri, Bruce B Forster, Lars Engebretsen, Jae-Sung An, Takuya Adachi, Yukihisa Saida, Kentaro Onishi, Hideyuki Koga
5 December 2022
Video analysis of Achilles tendon rupture in male professional football (soccer) players: injury mechanisms, patterns and biomechanicsFrancesco Della Villa, Matthew Buckthorpe, Fillippo Tosarelli, Matteo Zago, Stefano Zaffagnini, Alberto Grassi
22 September 2022
Leveling (down) the playing field: performance diminishments and fairness in sportSebastian Jon Holmen, Thomas Søbirk Petersen, Jesper Ryberg
29 August 2022
Back to basketball: how I avoided ACL surgeryJinrong Lin
19 August 2022
Return-to-play and performance after operative treatment of Achilles tendon rupture in elite male athletes: a scoping reviewChristopher M LaPrade, Deepak V Chona, Mark E Cinque, Michael T Freehill, Timothy R McAdams, Geoffrey D Abrams, Seth L Sherman, Marc R Safran
13 April 2022
Facilitating national football teams return to training and competition during the COVID-19 pandemicAndrew Guard, Anne Brenneman, Matt Bradley, George T Chiampas
11 April 2022
319 Knee and ankle overuse injuries in youth basketball playersCarlyn Stilling, Oluwatoyosi BA Owoeyea, Lauren C Benson, Kati Pasanen, Carolyn Emery
23 November 2021
042 Change of direction biomechanics and the risk for non-contact knee injuries in youth basketball and floorball playersMari Leppänen, Jari Parkkari, Tommi Vasankari, Sami Äyrämö, Tron Krosshaug, Pekka Kannus, Kati Pasanen
23 November 2021