Olympic Games in COVID-19 times: lessons learned with special focus on the upcoming FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022Ismail Dergaa, Helmi Ben Saad, Amine Souissi, Sarah Musa, Mariam Ali Abdulmalik, Karim Chamari
1 March 2022
Impact of being first: comparing media coverage for two studies investigating the relationship between exercise and COVID-19Edel O'Hagan, Rodrigo R N Rizzo, Mary O'Keeffe
2 December 2021
When to consider cardiac MRI in the evaluation of the competitive athlete after SARS-CoV-2 infectionDermot Phelan, Jonathan H Kim, Jonathan A Drezner, Michael D Elliott, Matthew W Martinez, Eugene H Chung, Sheela Krishan, Benjamin D Levine, Aaron L Baggish
27 January 2022
COVID-19 considerations and strategy for a safe return to international football competitions: an African perspectiveMaurice Douryang, Yagaï Bouba, Eméline Zogning Makemjio, Andrillene Laure Deutou Wondeu, Lervasen Pillay
26 November 2021
SARS-CoV-2 infection and return to play in junior competitive athletes: is systematic cardiac screening needed?Luna Cavigli, Michele Cillis, Veronica Mochi, Federica Frascaro, Nicola Mochi, Arnel Hajdarevic, Alessandra Roselli, Massimo Capitani, Federico Alvino, Silvia Giovani, Corrado Lisi, Maria Teresa Cappellini, Rosa Anna Colloca, Giulia Elena Mandoli, Serafina Valente
See the full list of authors29 November 2021
Effects of wearing a cloth face mask on performance, physiological and perceptual responses during a graded treadmill running exercise testSimon Driver, Megan Reynolds, Katelyn Brown, Jakob L Vingren, David W Hill, Monica Bennett, Taylor Gilliland, Evan McShan, Librada Callender, Erin Reynolds, Nate Borunda, John Mosolf, Casey Cates, Alan Jones
13 April 2021
Medical care and first aid: an interassociation consensus framework for organised non-elite sport during the COVID-19 pandemicLisa Hodgson, Gemma Phillips, Robin Terence Saggers, Sanjay Sharma, Michael Papadakis, Clint Readhead, Charlotte M Cowie, Andrew Massey, Richard Weiler, Prabhat Mathema, Jo Larkin, Jonathan Gordon, John Maclean, Michael Rossiter, Niall Elliott
See the full list of authors22 February 2021
Youth ice hockey COVID-19 protocols and prevention of sport-related transmissionAllison Krug, Richard Appleby, Robert Pizzini, Tracy Beth Høeg
19 August 2021
Team Sport Risk Exposure Framework-2 (TS-REF-2) to identify sports activities and contacts at increased SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk during the COVID-19 pandemicBen Jones, Gemma Phillips, Clive Beggs, James Calder, Matthew Cross, Neil Pearce, Clint Readhead, Jenifer Smith, Keith A Stokes, Simon Kemp
29 June 2021
Protecting olympic participants from COVID-19: the trialled and tested processFabio Pigozzi, Bernd Wolfarth, Ana Cintron Rodriguez, Juergen Michael Steinacker, Victoriya Badtieva, James Lee John Bilzon, Christian Schneider, William O Roberts, Jeroen Swart, Demitri Constantinou, Michiko Dohi, Theodora Papadopoulou, Mark Hutchinson, Luigi Di Luigi, Maher Zahar
See the full list of authors16 July 2021