Cam morphology in young male football players mostly develops before proximal femoral growth plate closure: a prospective study with 5-yearfollow-upPim van Klij, Marinus P Heijboer, Abida Z Ginai, Jan A N Verhaar, Jan H Waarsing, Rintje Agricola
10 April 2019
Hip and groin time-loss injuries decreased slightly but injury burden remained constant in men’s professional football: the 15-year prospective UEFA Elite Club Injury StudyJonas Werner, Martin Hägglund, Jan Ekstrand, Markus Waldén
10 April 2019
Arthroscopic hip surgery compared with physiotherapy and activity modification for the treatment of symptomatic femoroacetabular impingement: multicentre randomised controlled trialAntony J R Palmer, Vandana Ayyar Gupta, Scott Fernquest, Ines Rombach, Susan J Dutton, Ramy Mansour, Simon Wood, Vikas Khanduja, Tom C B Pollard, Andrew W McCaskie, Karen L Barker, Tony J M D Andrade, Andrew J Carr, David J Beard, Sion Glyn-Jones
7 February 2019
Is exercise therapy for femoroacetabular impingement in or out of FASHIoN? We need to talk about current best practice for the non-surgical management of FAI syndromeJoanne L Kemp, Matthew G King, Christian Barton, Anthony G Schache, Kristian Thorborg, Ewa M Roos, Mark Scholes, Alison Grimaldi, Adam I Semciw, Matthew Freke, May Arna Risberg, Michael P Reiman, Susan Mayes, Tania Pizzari, Joshua J Heerey
See the full list of authors9 January 2019
Although the injury rate of yoga is low, nearly two-thirds of musculoskeletal injuries in yoga affect the lower extremity: a systematic reviewArya Bekhradi, Daniel Wong, Brayden J Gerrie, Patrick C McCulloch, Kevin E Varner, Thomas J Ellis, Joshua D Harris
18 July 2018
Femoroacetabular impingement surgery allows 74% of athletes to return to the same competitive level of sports participation but their level of performance remains unreported: a systematic review with meta-analysisMichael P Reiman, Scott Peters, Jonathan Sylvain, Seth Hagymasi, Richard C Mather, Adam P Goode, Leila Ledbetter
16 July 2018
Biomarkers in the serum, synovial fluid and articular cartilage show promising utility in patients with femoroacetabular impingement: a systematic reviewJeffrey Kay, Muzammil Memon, Vito Z Zou, Andrew Duong, Nicole Simunovic, Nicolas Bonin, Marc R Safran, Olufemi R Ayeni
25 June 2018
Biomechanics, anatomy, pathology, imaging and clinical evaluation of the acetabular labrum: current conceptsDavid E Hartigan, Itay Perets, Mitchell B Meghpara, Mitchell R Mohr, Mary R Close, Leslie C Yuen, Benjamin G Domb
25 June 2018
An approach to hip pain in a young adultAlastair G Dick, Jonathan M Houghton, Marcus J K Bankes
19 April 2018
Lower limb biomechanics in femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysisMatthew G King, Peter R Lawrenson, Adam I Semciw, Kane J Middleton, Kay M Crossley
13 April 2018