Obturator hernia of Richter type: a diagnostic dilemmaCathal Hayes, Karl Schmidt, Yuwaraja Neduchelyn, Ivan Ivanovski
28 December 2020
Rehabilitation interventions need more than methodological standardisation: an individualised approachNeil Welch, Chris Richter, Kieran Moran, Andy Franklyn-Miller
19 November 2020
Triple inguinal hernia: rare clinical presentationVivek Srivastava, Pratik K Jha, Awgesh Kumar Verma, Mumtaz Ahmad Ansari
2 November 2020
Septic arthritis of the pubic symphysis in pregnancyGlenn Patrick Boyles, Maged M Costantine
2 November 2020
Adenocarcinomas presenting as abdominal wall massesAmmu Vijayakumar, Valerie Grignol
4 October 2020
Diagnostic difficulties in obturator hernia: a rare case presentation and review of literatureTharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam, Pradeep Joshua Christopher, Jeyakumar Sundaraj, Sundeep Selvamuthukumaran
15 September 2020
Laparoscopic iliopubic tract repair for pediatric inguinal hernia has very low recurrence: an Indian experienceSunil Kumar Nayak, Ramakrishnan Parthasarathi, Raghavendra Gupta G H V, Subbaiah Rajapandian, Nalankilli Vaiyapurigoundar Palanisamy, Chinnusamy Palanivelu
10 September 2020
Patient-initiated follow-up after treatment for low risk endometrial cancer: a prospective audit of outcomes and cost benefitsSarah Coleridge, Jo Morrison
3 August 2020
Correction: Athletic groin pain (part 2): a prospective cohort study on the biomechanical evaluation of change of direction identifies three clusters of movement patterns17 July 2020
‘My hip is damaged’: a qualitative investigation of people seeking care for persistent hip painBeatriz I R de Oliveira, Anne Julia Smith, Peter P B O'Sullivan, Samantha Haebich, Daniel Fick, Riaz Khan, Samantha Bunzli
1 July 2020