Jamie Kissick: a champion for concussion education and Para sportLaura Purcell, Osman Hassan Ahmed, Cheri Blauwet, Willem Meeuwisse, Kathryn J Schneider
9 February 2024
2.29 Reliability of multi-disciplinary scoring of the wheelchair error scoring systemAmber Morison, Anna Nishikawa, Lori Preston, Adrienne Zulkoski
31 January 2024
Climate and health challenges for Paris 2024 Olympics and ParalympicsFranck Brocherie, Mathilde Pascal, Robin Lagarrigue, Grégoire P Millet
2 January 2024
Incidence of injury and illness among paediatric Team USA athletes competing in the 2020 Tokyo and 2022 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic GamesEric G Post, Travis Anderson, Jeffrey S Shilt, Eric L Dugan, Stephanie C Clark, Emily G Larson, Kayle E Noble-Taylor, David M Robinson, Amber T Donaldson, Jonathan T Finnoff, William M Adams
20 December 2023
#ReadyToPlay: health problems in women’s football–a two-season prospective cohort study in the Norwegian premier leagueRoar Amundsen, Solveig Thorarinsdottir, Benjamin Clarsen, Thor Einar Andersen, Merete Møller, Roald Bahr
15 November 2023
Disaster planning for a surgical surge: when mass trauma threatens to overwhelm your operating roomsKatherine M Kelley, Nicole Toscano, Mark L Gestring, Jeannette Capella, Christopher Newton, Marko Bukur, David V Shatz, Robert D Winfield, Adam Fox, Mary E Fallat, Deborah A Kuhls, Galina Glinik, Jay Doucet, Jonathan Gates, Kyle N Remick
9 November 2023
Team USA injury and illness incidence at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic GamesTravis Anderson, Malia G Cali, Stephanie C Clark, Ike Hasley, Emily G Larson, Kayle E Noble-Taylor, David M Robinson, Eric Post, Jonathan T Finnoff, William M Adams
27 October 2023
Surveillance of athlete mental health symptoms and disorders: a supplement to the International Olympic Committee’s consensus statement on injury and illness surveillanceMargo Mountjoy, Astrid Junge, Abhinav Bindra, C Blauwet, Richard Budgett, Alan Currie, Lars Engebretsen, Brian Hainline, David McDuff, Rosemary Purcell, Margot Putukian, Claudia L Reardon, Torbjørn Soligard, Vincent Gouttebarge
26 October 2023
Filling the evidence void: exploration of coach and healthcare provider experiences working with pregnant and postpartum elite athletes – a qualitative studyMargie H Davenport, Lauren Ray, Autumn Nesdoly, Jane S Thornton, Rshmi Khurana, Tara-Leigh F McHugh
25 October 2023
Olympic Games during nationwide lockdown: sports injuries and illnesses, including COVID-19, at the Beijing 2022 Winter OlympicsTorbjørn Soligard, Debbie Palmer, Kathrin Steffen, Alexandre Dias Lopes, Natalia Grek, Xuan He, Yan Wang, Marie-Elaine Grant, Brett G Toresdahl, Matthias Gilgien, Richard Budgett, Lars Engebretsen
24 October 2023