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E-edition: 3rd World Congress of Sports Physiotherapy Special

This special edition of the online e-edition BJSM focuses on speakers and content relevant to the 3rd World Congress of Sports Physiotherapy that you can still register for – October 4 & 5, 2019. This biennial conference will be hosted in Vancouver, Canada, with the International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy (@IntFSPT) teaming up with colleagues from Sports Physiotherapy Canada (@SPC2019) to deliver the program. Main headliners for the program include…
  • Dr Emma Stokes, PT, PhD, President of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (2015-2023). Fresh from her landslide re-election as President of World PT, you can meet Dr Stokes in the friendly environment of Vancouver and this international sports PT conference. When the President speaks, PTs get inspired!
  • Prof. Roald Bahr, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer for Olympiatoppen and Chair of the Medical Department at the National Olympic Training Center (Norway), and head of the Aspetar Sports Injury and Illness Prevention Program (Qatar)
  • Dr Clare Ardern, PT PhD, Editor in Chief of the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT) and and sports PT researcher at the world-renowned Karolinska Intitute, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Dr Alex Hutchinson, Journalist, elite runner, & PhD, the writer of New York Times best-seller ‘ENDURE: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance’.
Considering this for continuing professional development event. The conference is APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) registered and counts toward continuing education credits.
This BJSM e-edition features just a small extract of the educational quality on offer at the conference, you can also see more of what’s on offer by reviewing 2018’s BJSM volume 52(24) which featured many of the World Congress speakers. To see the full program head over the official website. BJSM approves a select few events each year. Some of these we will tag across our social media using the #BJSMApproved. These events are hosted by our international partners across the globe so be alert for events near to you. If you want to join the discussion on this year’s program or to bring up any other future topics of interest, message us on our social media channels @BJSM_BMJ or use the #BJSMOnlineEdition. As ever the best way to keep across all that BJSM has to offer is to, download the BJSM App. The App remains a convenient way to see all the latest podcasts, blogs and other BJSM content in one place. We hope you enjoy these supplementary BJSM editions and wish you a physically active day! Your BJSM online editors

BJSM Online: 3rd World Congress of Physiotherapy… what you can look forward to if you visit Vancouver 2019

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Roald Bahr

Professor of Sports Medicine, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences; Chair of the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center; Chief Medical Officer for Olympiatoppen; Chair of the Medical Department at the National Olympic Training Center. Prof. Bahr is one of the pre-eminent researchers in the sports medicine field with over 300 publications across the world’s top journals including BJSM. He is also responsible for supervising many upcoming young researchers in the field and below is a snippet of the wealth of information he has contributed to. We kick off this e-edition though with a BJSM blog from Christina Le who seeks to get us all using the hashtag #WWRD or in other words ‘What would Roald Do?’.

Return to sport and screening


Prof. Roald Bahr. Screening for Injury doesn’t work and probably never will Professor Bahr discusses the limitations of screening tests for predicting injury in athletes.

Injury and illness


Injury and illness, the 2016 Olympic Games




Mechanisms of acute adductor longus injuries in male football players: a systematic visual video analysis Andreas Serner, Andrea Britt Mosler, Johannes L Tol, Roald Bahr, et al.


The Adductor Strengthening Programme prevents groin problems among male football players: a cluster-randomised controlled trial Joar Harøy, Benjamin Clarsen, Espen Guldahl Wiger, et al.


The adductor strengthening programme prevents groin problems among male football players.


Lower extremity

ORIGINAL ARTICLE (The American Journal of Sports Medicine)

Muscle Strength Is a Poor Screening Test for Predicting Lower Extremity Injuries in Professional Male Soccer Players: A 2-Year Prospective Cohort Study Arnhild Bakken, Stephen Targett, Tone Bere, et al


President of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) Dr. Stokes will be on the panel discussing leadership. She brings a wealth of experience from her role leading WCPT over the past 5 years. In this 20-minute discussion, Dr. Stokes discusses how therapists can contribute to global health initiatives and demonstrate leadership at a local level. We look forward in particular to hearing how this can be translated into the sporting context. For those interested in running rehabilitation, two of the SPC members responsible for organizing the conference include Dr. Chris Napier and Dr. Jean-Francois Esculier.

Soft tissue


Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE Blaise Dubois @blaisedubois and Jean-Francois Esculier @JFEsculier



It’s all about the shoes…well, maybe not. Minimalist? Maximalist? Zero drop? Is there really one running shoe paradigm to rule them all? Dr. Chris Napier PhD (T: @runnerphysio) and Paul Blazey (T: @Blazey85) join BJSM’s Daniel Friedman (T:@ddfriedman) to debate running shoe prescription. Including the effect of different running shoes’ on running economy, running shoe prescription and tips for choosing shoes in-store, gait retraining, and the future of running shoes.

Running shoes and patellofemoral pain


Logical fallacies in the running shoe debate: let the evidence guide prescription Christopher Napier, Richard W Willy


Treating runners with patellofemoral pain: appropriate education is key

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Prof. Kay Crossley

Director of the world renowned La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre Prof. Crossley's main research focus is on the prevention and management of patellofemoral pain and early-onset osteoarthritis after sports-related injuries.

Hip pain


Dr Crossley discusses Hip OA in athletes at 2018 Sportfisio Swiss conference.

A selection of resources from some of the other invited guests and speakers


Karen Litzy: Host of the Healthy, Wealthy, Smart podcast discusses knowledge translation with Dr. Christian Barton – both will be part of the congress session on bridging the gap between research and clinical practice The discussion with Dr. Barton looks at different mediums that facilitate knowledge translation from researchers to clinicians and patients. Some common misconceptions around running injury prevention AND the good & bad practices that surround social media and knowledge translation.  

EDITORIAL (Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy)

Blood Flow Restriction Training in Rehabilitation: A Useful Adjunct or Lucy's Latest Trick? Rod Whiteley


Should patients with knee pain or osteoarthritis be concerned about imaging findings?   infographic


Shoulder injuries, with Prof. Ann Cools (PhD, PT) Babette Pluim (BJSM deputy editor) talks to Ann Cools (professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University, Belgium) about her varied research into shoulder injuries. Including: Scapular involvement in shoulder pain in overhead athletes; treatment strategies for managing impingement in the overhead athlete; eccentric training for shoulder injuries; Scapula Dyskinesis; age related change in the shoulder in tennis players; and adaptations in scapular movement, subacromial space, and range of movement and strength in elite handball players.


What limits sporting performance? Is it in the muscles or does the mind matter? Dr Alex Hutchinson A great conversation between the fascinating Dr Alex Hutchinson and sports physiotherapist Dr. Chris Napier. Alex Hutchinson will be known to many because of his sports writing for Runners World (in the past) and Outside Magazine (now). He spent 9 years asking the question that is the title of this podcast – you get the answers in 20 minutes!

More information on the Congress

Find more information and book your place at this year's World Congress of Sports Physiotherapy in Vancouver, Canada by heading to - Sport Physiotherapy Canada events page
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