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E-edition: Hip and groin pain

2018 saw us introduce the e-editions of BJSM, focused on Pain Management and Return to Play. In 2019, we will continue to draw upon the high-quality content available across our BJSM and BMJ platforms to make sure our readers are up to date with the latest from sport and exercise medicine research. We will also link to external articles of interest to provide a well-rounded overview of the chosen topic. We support the articles with relevant podcasts, infographics and videos to cater to our readers’ many learning styles. If you have ideas or want to suggest topics for future editions, we are keen to serve you, our audience. Therefore, please get in touch by using the #BJSMOnlineEdition on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to let us know your thoughts. In this edition, we focus on the latest research in hip and groin pathology. We have the most recent updates on the management of Femoro-acetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIS) including the latest in the debate on exercise vs surgery. We will also link to some of the key content in the management of athlete related groin pain and highlight key resources for managing lateral hip pain.
In 2018, our partners at @SportfisioSwiss hosted the Swiss Sports Med’ conference dedicated to hip and groin pain with a host of top researchers presenting their thoughts, the videos are top quality and we highlight some of our favourites. That said, we highly encourage members to consider the 2019 conference as an option for their professional development! Don’t forget to download the BJSM App. It remains a convenient way to see all the latest podcasts, blogs and other BJSM content. We hope you enjoy these supplementary BJSM editions and wish you a physically active day! Your BJSM online editors.



Professor Damian Griffin on the Warwick agreement on Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIS)

Professor Damian Griffin (@DamianGriffin) talks about the Warwick Agreement, an international consensus on the management of FAIS. This podcast brings you right up to date on the most current thinking.


Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome

Mike Reiman (@MikeReiman) an assistant professor at Duke University, Virginia, US, discusses the latest in FAIS at the recent @SportFisioSwiss Conference in Bern, Switzerland.


High or low return to sport rates following hip arthroscopy is a matter of definition? Tobias Wörner, Kristian Thorborg, Anders Stålman, et al.


FAIS infographic



What makes a happy hip? Understanding FAI, arthroscopy and treatment outcomes

Dr. Joanne Kemp (@JoanneLKemp), research fellow at ACRISP (Australian Centre for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention), discusses Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI) and the overall health of the hip joint. A great listen if you want to address some of those tricky questions for managing hip pain.


Imaging for hip-related groin pain: don’t be hip-notised by the findings Kieran O’Sullivan, Ben Darlow, Peter O’Sullivan, et al.


Doha agreement meeting on terminology and definitions in groin pain in athletes Adam Weir, Peter Brukner, Eamonn Delahunt, Jan Ekstrand, Damian Griffin, Karim M Khan, Greg Lovell, William C Meyers, Ulrike Muschaweck, John Orchard, Hannu Paajanen, Marc Philippon, Gilles Reboul, Philip Robinson, Anthony G Schache, Ernest Schilders, Andreas Serner, Holly Silvers, Kristian Thorborg, Timothy Tyler, Geoffrey Verrall, Robert-Jan de Vos, Zarko Vuckovic, Per Hölmich


Take homes from 1st World Conference on Groin Pain in Athletes: Doha Agreement

The heavyweights in groin pain were invited to work on focused systematic reviews and share their thoughts in person in Doha, Qatar. But there was a catch. They were locked in a room with just LCHF foodstuffs and told not to come out until there was a useful product for clinicians. Adam Weir (@AdamWeirSports), the driving force behind this effort, shares what was achieved and how this can help in clinical practice.


Adductor Strengthening Programme



Rehabilitation and training of groin injuries

Andreas Serner (@aserner) discuss the latest on treatment and management of groin pathology at the recent @SportfisioSwiss conference



Mechanisms of acute adductor longus injuries in male football players



SSC Sports Medicine Groin Lab

If you haven’t already seen the videos produced by Enda King and the team at Sports Surgery Clinic these are an excellent resource to help with retraining the client link to their paper in the BJSM above.


Is lower hip range of motion a risk factor for groin pain in athletes?



Dr Alison Grimaldi on managing gluteal tendinopathy

BJSM Podcast World Cup winner, physiotherapist and adjunct Research Fellow at the University of Queensland Dr. Alison Grimaldi (@alisongrimaldi) joins BJSM’s Daniel Friedman (@ddfriedman) to discuss the results from her latest clinical trial – the LEAP trial. As well as the findings from the LEAP trial, Alison shares some practical tips for clinicians helping patients manage gluteal tendinopathy.
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