Use of extracorporeal shockwave therapies for athletes and physically active individuals: a systematic reviewHye Chang Rhim, Jaehyung Shin, Jane Kang, Paige Dyrek, Zack Crockett, Pearl Galido, Carrie Wade, Karsten Hollander, Joanne Borg-Stein, Steven Sampson, Adam S Tenforde
7 February 2024
Current practice, guideline adherence, and barriers to implementation for Achilles tendinopathy rehabilitation: a survey of physical therapists and people with Achilles tendinopathyKohle Merry, Megan M MacPherson, Paul Blazey, Angie Fearon, Michael Hunt, Dylan Morrissey, Christopher Napier, Duncan Reid, Jackie L Whittaker, Richard W Willy, Alex Scott
5 February 2024
ALT in combination with triple-rolled TFL for reconstruction of a complex tendoachilles defect: technical details and rehabilitation regimeZahra Ahmed, Hannah Cook, Meera Anadkat, Lydia Ioannidi, Helen Marmery, Dariush Nikkhah
31 January 2024
Acute fracture of an extensively ossified segment of the Achilles tendonCharles Hillman, Jitendra Mangwani, Stefan Kluzek
9 January 2024
Injury mechanisms and situational patterns of severe lower limb muscle injuries in male professional football (soccer) players: a systematic video analysis study on 103 casesFrancesco Della Villa, Bruno Massa, Antonio Bortolami, Gianni Nanni, Jesus Olmo, Matthew Buckthorpe
28 October 2023
Effect of resistance exercise dose components for tendinopathy management: a systematic review with meta-analysisAnastasia Vladimirovna Pavlova, Joanna S C Shim, Rachel Moss, Colin Maclean, David Brandie, Laura Mitchell, Leon Greig, Eva Parkinson, Lyndsay Alexander, Victoria Tzortziou Brown, Dylan Morrissey, Kay Cooper, Paul A Swinton
6 October 2023
Developing a patient decision aid for Achilles tendon rupture management: a mixed-methods studyJan F L Gan, Marnee J McKay, Caitlin M P Jones, Ian A Harris, Kirsten McCaffery, Rachel Thompson, Tammy C Hoffmann, Sam Adie, Christopher G Maher, Joshua R Zadro
14 June 2023
Risk factors and associated factors for calcaneal apophysitis (Sever’s disease): a systematic reviewPilar Nieto-Gil, Javier Marco-Lledó, Jonatan García-Campos, María Ruiz-Muñoz, Gabriel Gijon-Nogueron, Laura Ramos-Petersen
6 June 2023
30 May 2023
Factors associated with lower limb tendinopathy in a large cohort of runners: a survey with a particular focus on nutritionA Mireille Baart, Rieneke Terink, Mannes Naeff, Eelke Naeff, Marco Mensink, Jelmer Alsma, Ben J M Witteman, Johannes Zwerver
9 May 2023