Tendoachilles reconstruction and overlying skin cover with a peroneus brevis flapShashank Lamba, Amish Jayantilal Gohil, Karampreet Singh, Ashish Kumar Gupta
20 August 2021
Effect of a common exercise programme with an individualised progression criterion based on the measurement of neuromuscular capacity versus current best practice for lower limb tendinopathies (MaLaGa trial): a protocol for a randomised clinical trialAdrian Escriche-Escuder, Antonio I Cuesta-Vargas, Jose Casaña
17 August 2021
PRP use in sport and exercise medicine: be wary of science becoming the shamJon Patricios, Kimberly G Harmon, Jonathan Drezner
6 August 2021
Image-guided intervention in the management of chronic patellar tendinopathy with calcification: a three-pronged approachAqeel Butt, Neelan Umaskanth, Ajay Sahu
11 June 2021
STOP leg clots—Swedish multicentre trial of outpatient prevention of leg clots: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial on the efficacy of intermittent pneumatic compression on venous thromboembolism in lower leg immobilised patientsSimon Svedman, Björn Alkner, Hans E Berg, Erica Domeij-Arverud, Kenneth Jonsson, Katarina Nilsson Helander, Paul W Ackermann
20 May 2021
American Medical Society for Sports Medicine sports ultrasound curriculum for sports medicine fellowshipsMederic M Hall, David Bernhardt, Jonathan T Finnoff, Douglas Hoffman, Melody Hrubes, Kenneth Mautner, Ashwin Rao, Jeremiah Wayne Ray, Jay Smith, Anna Waterbrook
9 May 2021
Exercise interventions in lateral elbow tendinopathy have better outcomes than passive interventions, but the effects are small: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 2123 subjects in 30 trialsStefanos Karanasios, Vasileios Korakakis, Rod Whiteley, Ioannis Vasilogeorgis, Sarah Woodbridge, Georgios Gioftsos
19 April 2021
Efficacy of heel lifts versus calf muscle eccentric exercise for mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy (HEALTHY): a randomised trialChantel L Rabusin, Hylton B Menz, Jodie A McClelland, Angela M Evans, Peter Malliaras, Sean I Docking, Karl B Landorf, James M Gerrard, Shannon E Munteanu
19 April 2021
Impact of chronic Achilles tendinopathy on health-related quality of life, work performance, healthcare utilisation and costsTjerk S O Sleeswijk Visser, Arco C van der Vlist, Robert F van Oosterom, Peter van Veldhoven, Jan A N Verhaar, Robert-Jan de Vos
26 March 2021
Ultrasound and surgical inspection of plantaris tendon involvement in chronic painful insertional Achilles tendinopathy: a case seriesHåkan Alfredson, Lorenzo Masci, Christoph Spang
22 March 2021