Close encounters of the US kind: illness and injury among US athletes at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic GamesDustin Nabhan, Johann Windt, David Taylor, William Moreau
30 July 2020
358 Two-year health surveillance and recommended methods for an international short-track speed skating teamMichael Brownlow, Steve McCaig
3 March 2020
171 Modelling the risk of soft tissue non-contact injuries from multiple training monitoring data sources in a short track speed skating elite teamFrançois Bieuzen, Jérémy Briand, Breault Pierre-Olivier, Sylvain Gaudet
3 March 2020
146 Antioxidant blood plasma profiles during a period of high training loads at altitude in elite athletesIrina Zelenkova, Dmitriy Martinov, Sergey Zotkin, Elena Proskurnina
3 March 2020
Impact of youth sports specialisation on career and task-specific athletic performance: a systematic review following the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Collaborative Research Network’s 2019 Youth Early Sport Specialisation SummitStephanie A Kliethermes, Kyle Nagle, Jean Côté, Robert M Malina, Avery Faigenbaum, Andrew Watson, Brian Feeley, Stephen William Marshall, Cynthia R LaBella, Daniel C Herman, Adam Tenforde, Anthony I Beutler, Neeru Jayanthi
3 February 2020
How do the new Olympic sports compare with the traditional Olympic sports? Injury and illness at the 2018 Youth Olympic Summer Games in Buenos Aires, ArgentinaKathrin Steffen, Torbjørn Soligard, Margo Mountjoy, Ignacio Dallo, Alan Maximiliano Gessara, Hernan Giuria, Leonel Perez Alamino, Joaquin Rodriguez, Natalia Salmina, Daniel Veloz, Richard Budgett, Lars Engebretsen
3 December 2019
Sports injury and illness incidence in the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games: a prospective study of 2914 athletes from 92 countriesTorbjørn Soligard, Debbie Palmer, Kathrin Steffen, Alexandre Dias Lopes, Marie-Elaine Grant, DooSup Kim, Sae Yong Lee, Natalia Salmina, Brett G Toresdahl, Joon Young Chang, Richard Budgett, Lars Engebretsen
19 August 2019
Knee sliced open by skate blade: complete patellar tendon rupture in an elite long track speed skaterAlexander Nagel Tandberg, Hege Grindem, Christian Wiig, Wender Figved
14 April 2019
Medical services at the 2017 Sapporo Asian winter games: injury and illness epidemiology at a 34-nation multisport eventKota Watanabe, Takao Akama, Shin Asakawa, Kimitaka Fukuda, Hiroya Sakai, Toru Okuwaki, Tomohito Imai, Hiroko Sato, Masaki Katayose, Manikavasagam Jegathesan, Nadia Al Shamali
10 December 2018
Factors associated with pain and osteoarthritis at the hip and knee in Great Britain’s Olympians: a cross-sectional studyDale J Cooper, Brigitte E Scammell, Mark E Batt, Debbie Palmer
17 August 2018