International Olympic Committee consensus statement on thermoregulatory and altitude challenges for high-level athletesMF Bergeron, R Bahr, P Bärtsch, L Bourdon, JAL Calbet, KH Carlsen, O Castagna, J González-Alonso, C Lundby, RJ Maughan, G Millet, M Mountjoy, S Racinais, P Rasmussen, AW Subudhi
See the full list of authors9 June 2012
Respiratory health of elite athletes – preventing airway injury: a critical reviewPascale Kippelen, Kenneth D Fitch, Sandra Doreen Anderson, Valerie Bougault, Louis-Philippe Boulet, Kenneth William Rundell, Malcolm Sue-Chu, Donald C McKenzie
29 April 2012
Recommendations of the Polish Society of Sports Medicine on age criteria while qualifying children and youth for participation in various sportsTomasz Kostka, Witold Furgal, Wojciech Gawroński, Andrzej Bugajski, Andrzej Czamara, Krzysztof Klukowski, Hubert Krysztofiak, Romuald Lewicki, Zbigniew Szyguła, Wiesław Tomaszewski, Tadeusz Trzaska, Jerzy Widuchowski, Andrzej Ziemba, Anna Jegier
26 September 2011
Medical facilities and encounters at the 2010 vancouver winter olympic gamesJ Taunton, P Schamasch, M Wilkinson, P Renstrom, L Engebretsen, R Celebrini, R Stewart, T Sasyniuk
1 April 2011
Sports injuries and illnesses during the Winter Olympic Games 2010Lars Engebretsen, Kathrin Steffen, Juan Manuel Alonso, Mark Aubry, Jiri Dvorak, Astrid Junge, Willem Meeuwisse, Margo Mountjoy, Per Renström, Mike Wilkinson
1 September 2010
Diagnosis of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction: eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea challenges identify previously undiagnosed elite athletes with exercise-induced bronchoconstrictionJohn Dickinson, Alison McConnell, Greg Whyte
20 July 2010
Optimal pacing strategy: from theoretical modelling to reality in 1500-m speed skatingF J Hettinga, J J De Koning, L J I Schmidt, N A C Wind, B R MacIntosh, C Foster
15 July 2010
The impact of a temporary ice rink on a local emergency department serviceD McGregor, J Vickery, P Riou
1 January 2010
Towards research-based approaches for solving body composition problems in sports: ski jumping as a heuristic exampleW Müller
1 December 2009
Relative importance of pacing strategy and mean power output in 1500-m self-paced cyclingF J Hettinga, J J de Koning, M Hulleman, C Foster
22 October 2009