Characteristics of potential concussive events in three elite football tournamentsNicholas Armstrong, Mario Rotundo, Jason Aubrey, Christopher Tarzi, Michael D Cusimano
21 July 2020
Developing common demographic data elements to include in future editions of the SCAT and Child SCAT: a modified international Delphi studyMaxine J Shanks, Paul McCrory, Gavin A Davis, Ruben J Echemendia, Andrew R Gray, S John Sullivan
17 July 2020
Disparities in baseline neurocognitive testing for student concussion management in Massachusetts high schoolsJulia Campbell, Jonathan Howland, Courtney Hess, Kerrie Nelson, Robert A Stern, Alcy Torres, Jonathan Olshaker
28 May 2020
Does disallowing body checking in non-elite 13- to 14-year-old ice hockey leagues reduce rates of injury and concussion? A cohort study in two Canadian provincesCarolyn Emery, Jean-Michel Galarneau, Luz Palacios-Derflingher, Amanda Marie Black, Paul Eliason, Maciek Krolikowski, Nicole Spencer, Stacy Kozak, Kathryn J Schneider, Shelina Babul, Martin Mrazik, Constance M Lebrun, Claude Goulet, Alison Macpherson, Brent E Hagel
18 March 2020
Does soccer headgear reduce the incidence of sport-related concussion? A cluster, randomised controlled trial of adolescent athletesTimothy McGuine, Eric Post, Adam Yakuro Pfaller, Scott Hetzel, Allison Schwarz, M Alison Brooks, Stephanie A Kliethermes
18 March 2020
Could a massive open online course be part of the solution to sport-related concussion? Participation and impact among 8368 registrantsPierre Fremont, Kathryn Schneider, Anne Laroche, Carolyn Emery, Keith Yeates
27 February 2020
Effectiveness of return to activity and return to school protocols for children postconcussion: a systematic reviewCarol DeMatteo, E Dimitra Bednar, Sarah Randall, Katie Falla
24 February 2020
Return to play and risk of repeat concussion in collegiate football players: comparative analysis from the NCAA Concussion Study (1999–2001) and CARE Consortium (2014–2017)Michael McCrea, Steven Broglio, Thomas McAllister, Wenxian Zhou, Shi Zhao, Barry Katz, Maria Kudela, Jaroslaw Harezlak, Lindsay Nelson, Timothy Meier, Stephen William Marshall, Kevin M Guskiewicz
3 January 2020
The North Texas Concussion Registry (ConTex)C. Munro Cullum, Stephen Bunt, Cason Hicks, Nyaz Didehbani, Shane Miller, Bert Vargas, Tonia Sabo, Kathleen Bell, H Hunt Batjer
2 January 2020
King-Devick concussion test performs poorly as a screening tool in elite rugby union players: a prospective cohort study of two screening tests versus a clinical reference standardGordon Ward Fuller, Matthew J Cross, Keith A Stokes, Simon P T Kemp
28 November 2019