Defining the paralympic athlete: normative values for scat major components in healthy paralympic athletesWilliam J Moreau, Taylor Walden, Dustin Nabhan
24 May 2017
What are the critical elements of sideline screening that can be used to establish the diagnosis of concussion? A systematic reviewJon Patricios, Gordon Ward Fuller, Richard Ellenbogen, Stanley Herring, Jeffrey S Kutcher, Mike Loosemore, Michael Makdissi, Michael McCrea, Margot Putukian, Kathryn J Schneider
24 May 2017
Concussion management plan compliance: a study of ncaa power five conference schoolsMelissa DiFabio, Christine Baugh, Thomas Buckley
24 May 2017
Concussion, dementia and CTE: are we getting it very wrong?Alan Carson
23 May 2017
Concussion guideline implementation perceptions and experiences among parents of community-level Australian Football junior playersPeta E White, Johna Register-Mihalik, Alex Donaldson, S John Sullivan, Caroline F Finch
22 April 2017
National Football League concussion lawsuit: what it means for other sports and observations from Singapore RugbyDinesh Sirisena, Joy Walter, Joanne Probert, Teoh C S.
20 April 2017
Concerns with novel concussion protocolDavid Wyndham Lawrence, MichaelG Hutchison
13 March 2017
Author response: Identifying concussion: when guidelines collide with real-world implementation—is a formal medical diagnosis necessary in every case once a proper protocol is implemented?Pierre Frémont
13 March 2017
Concussion in the international ice hockey World Championships and Olympic Winter Games between 2006 and 2015Markku Tuominen, Timo Hänninen, Jari Parkkari, Michael J Stuart, Teemu Luoto, Pekka Kannus, Mark Aubry
1 February 2017
Low risk of concussions in top-level karate competitionRafael Arriaza, Dusana Cierna, Patricia Regueiro, David Inman, Franco Roman, Benjamin Abarca, Mercé Barrientos, Miguel A Saavedra
16 December 2016