The Berlin 2016 process: a summary of methodology for the 5th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in SportWillem H Meeuwisse, Kathryn J Schneider, Jiří Dvořák, Onutobor (Tobi) Omu, Caroline F Finch, K. Alix Hayden, Paul McCrory
24 May 2017
5th International Conference on Concussion in Sport (Berlin)Paul McCrory, Willem H Meeuwisse, Jiří Dvořák, Ruben J Echemendia, Lars Engebretsen, Nina Feddermann-Demont, Michael McCrea, Michael Makdissi, Jon Patricios, Kathryn J Schneider, Allen K Sills
24 May 2017
The effect of age on symptom reporting on the adult and child post concussion symptom scale in youth ice hockey playersAmanda M Black, Kathryn J Schneider, Luz Palacios-Derflingher, Willem H Meeuwisse, Carolyn A Emery
24 May 2017
Day of injury dizziness is related to prolonged recovery following concussionTeemu M Luoto, Timo Hänninen, Jari Parkkari, Markku Tuominen, Grant L Iverson, Matti Vartiainen, Juha Öhman
24 May 2017
What domains of clinical function should be assessed after sport-related concussion? A systematic reviewNina Feddermann-Demont, Ruben J Echemendia, Kathryn J Schneider, Gary S Solomon, K Alix Hayden, Michael Turner, Jiří Dvořák, Dominik Straumann, Alexander A Tarnutzer
24 May 2017
Neurocognitive changes as measured by impact and the scat3 in women’s soccer players without diagnosed concussionThomas G Bowman, Katherine M Breedlove, Theresa E Leahy
24 May 2017
Defining the elite: normative values for scat major components in healthy elite athletesWilliam J Moreau, Taylor Walden, Dustin Nabhan
24 May 2017
The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition (SCAT5): Background and rationaleRuben J Echemendia, Willem Meeuwisse, Paul McCrory, Gavin A Davis, Margot Putukian, John Leddy, Michael Makdissi, S John Sullivan, Steven P Broglio, Martin Raftery, Kathryn Schneider, James Kissick, Michael McCrea, Jiří Dvořák, Allen K Sills
See the full list of authors24 May 2017
The Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition (Child SCAT5): Background and rationaleGavin A Davis, Laura Purcell, Kathryn J Schneider, Keith Owen Yeates, Gerard A Gioia, Vicki Anderson, Richard G Ellenbogen, Ruben J Echemendia, Michael Makdissi, Allen Sills, Grant L Iverson, Jiří Dvořák, Paul McCrory, Willem Meeuwisse, Jon Patricios
See the full list of authors24 May 2017
The Concussion Recognition Tool 5th Edition (CRT5): Background and rationaleRuben J Echemendia, Willem Meeuwisse, Paul McCrory, Gavin A Davis, Margot Putukian, John Leddy, Michael Makdissi, S John Sullivan, Steven P Broglio, Martin Raftery, Kathryn Schneider, James Kissick, Michael McCrea, Jiří Dvořák, Allen K Sills
See the full list of authors24 May 2017