Rest and return-to-sport recommendations following sport-related concussion (PEDro synthesis)Arun Prasad Balasundaram, Anthony G Schneiders, S John Sullivan
13 April 2018
Comparison of baseline and postconcussion SCAT3 scores and symptoms in varsity athletes: an investigation into differences by sex and history of concussionJohanna M Hurtubise, Cindy E Hughes, Lauren E Sergio, Alison K Macpherson
21 March 2018
Genetic polymorphisms associated with the risk of concussion in 1056 college athletes: a multicentre prospective cohort studyThomas Roland Terrell, Ruth Abramson, Jeffery T Barth, Ellen Bennett, Robert C Cantu, Richard Sloane, Daniel T Laskowitz, David M Erlanger, Douglas McKeag, Gregory Nichols, Verle Valentine, Leslie Galloway
18 January 2018
BRain health and healthy AgeINg in retired rugby union players, the BRAIN Study: study protocol for an observational study in the UKValentina Gallo, Damien McElvenny, Catherine Hobbs, Donna Davoren, Huw Morris, Sebastian Crutch, Henrik Zetterberg, Nick C Fox, Simon Kemp, Matthew Cross, Nigel K Arden, Madeleine A M Davies, Andrea Malaspina, Neil Pearce
23 December 2017
Are athletes psychologically ready for sport following a concussion?Jeffrey G Caron, Gordon A Bloom, Leslie W Podlog
14 December 2017
HHITT for concussion evaluation and managementNash Anderson, Reidar P Lystad
22 September 2017
Concussion in field hockey: a retrospective analysis into the incidence rates, mechanisms, symptoms and recovery of concussive injuries sustained by elite field hockey playersMichael Rossiter, Michael Challis
16 September 2017
Facts and values: on the acceptability of risks in children’s sport using the example of rugby — a narrative reviewKenneth Lincoln Quarrie, John H M Brooks, Nicholas Burger, Patria A Hume, Steve Jackson
19 July 2017
Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of football headingAnthony P Kontos, Rock Braithwaite, Sara P D Chrisman, Jamie McAllister-Deitrick, Larissa Symington, Valerie L Reeves, Michael W Collins
19 July 2017
Management of concussion in disability sport: a different ball game?Liam Richard West, Steffan Griffin, Richard Weiler, Osman Hassan Ahmed
28 June 2017